1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand and adopt a shoulder width stance. Adopt an over hand grip (palms facing your body) and allow your arms to hang perpendicular to the floor in front of you. This will be your starting position.
2. To initiate the movement, inhale and press the dumbbells downward, towards your right knee, rotating your torso and gently bending at your knees and hips to accommodate this movement.
3. Next, exhale and pull the dumbbells (through your core) upon a diagonal rotating path towards the top left hand corner of your reach. Tip: Keep your arms straight throughout the movement (with a slight bend at your elbows).
4. After you have reached the top left corner of your reach, inhale and control the descent of the Dumbbells towards your left knee. Again, your core should be rotated and you should bend at your knees and hips to accommodate this movement.
Once you reach the side of your knee, exhale and pull the dumbbells (through your core) upon a diagonal rotating path towards the top right hand corner of your reach.
5. After you have reached the top right corner of your reach, inhale and control the descent of the Dumbbells towards your right knee, ready for your second repetition. The movement should draw an imaginary 'X' in front of your body.
6. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.